So much so I don't know where to start, so I'm updating and extending the novel blogs to a final total of 12 for the 'in-novel' ones plus this writer's one (the ones provisionally updated / sorted so far being 5, 11 and 12). I've a lot of gaps to fill in (or more accurately expand on) but plenty more teasers.
So why's it got weirder?
Last night I watched a documentary on the BBC called Atom. More about what I learned (and how I expanded its ideas into my own) later: I haven't decided how much to give away yet!
The only clues I'm giving for now are at consider I'm the novelist who met the cat last year. A black and white one. Just like they used on the tv documentary. Who now also exists in a sim game (and did BEFORE I saw the tv show). That's just the tip of a lot of MAJOR (TOO MAJOR) coincidences that actually slightly freaked me out watching the documentary last night.
Documentary website: novel may be more than I first realised. It's certainly giving me more answers than I ever expected. And
I can't wait to find out what happens next. It's changing my life and my perceptions in some very positive ways...
The fact it's turning me into a (sometimesquantum)physicist-theologian-everythingelseist is overloading my mind a bit though.
The theories in the documentary, along with the connections and expansions my very strange mind made to them make all the theories behind the novel a possibility.
Philosophically and scientifically we could be on the edge of an age where fiction* and reality really do fuse. Not
that bizarre when you think that whatever reality IS is also the origin of all fiction, however directly or indirectly. Perhaps the time pre-empted by some philosophers where there is no longer chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, theology, literature, art.... but one science of general understanding. And just to annoy both the religious and the atheists and everyone in between one that makes God or gods as impossible or possible as you want them to be. Not to mention all the stuff like Gaia theory not having to challenge god(s) theorising or creation not being a rival to evolution. And it is all INCREDIBLY positive. 'Nothing' does not exist. The spheres of knowledge are opening. Be of good heart.
*including that of all artforms and any of their reality/fiction overlaps.
I am soooooooo excited right now.